

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

Lesson notes (24th September- 11th October)

24th September 2013


Phonemes + Accent + Rhythm+ Entonation
Paralinguistics---> everything that parale linguistics. It's more important.
Speech acts
Speech events.

Vocales cortas a e i o u no se pronuncia tal cual.
Oral communication--->repeat and explain concepts and context dependent.
Se enseñan primero los elementos paralingüísticos y a continuación los elementos lingüísticos.
  • You are not in the mood!= no estar de ánimo.
  • Public examination= oposiciones.
Jones, D. (2011) “Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary”. Ed: Cambridge.

1st October 2013
Can I get in? Excuse me…..
Can I enter? I am afraid we weren´t returned….
I wonder if you…

  • La “r” antes de vocal, alarga la vocal
Más pronunciación en la “r”, más americano
  • Si las yemas de los dedos cabe en la apertura de la mandíbula, sería una correcta pronunciación de la “a” (car)
  • I: sonrisa falsa, medio cerrada. Significa alargamiento de la vocal. Cuanto más suene, más acento escocés, irlandés y americano.
/ı:/---> sea---> /sı:/
/e/---> sit--->/set/
/æ/---> cat--->/kæt/
/a:/---> car--->/ka:/
/u:/---> moon--->/mu:/
Red telephone box.
The red telephone box is a public telephone kiosk designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, was a once familiar sight on the streets of the United Kingdom. It has all but disappeared in recent years, replaced by a number of different desins. The few kiosk that remain have not been replaced because they are regarded as being of special architectural and historical interest.

“The nation is nature

1- Nation, information, communication, population,

2- Nature;  literature, nature, furniture

We can also do it with “ comfortable


·         Tone

·         Exaggeration

·         Pronunciation

·         Behave beautifully

·         Rhyme
4th October 2013
a bit late ( 5 minutes or so)
No se debe enseñar por sílabas, enseñar por conjuntos. Por trozos semánticos/ Meaningful chunks. Cada trozo está marcado por un word stress.

En iniciar una palabra tardamos aproximadamente 5 minutos. En primaria para presentar 5 palabras necesitamos unos 30 minutos ( no se puede mantener la concentración fonológica más de 30 minutos)
Esto se consigue gracias a English phonological graduation---> capacidad que tienen las sílabas fonológicas inglesas en perder tonalidad en favor de otra con mayor fuerza tonal.
En algunos casos la graduación es tan exagerada que la palabra tiene 2/3 de pronunciaciones. Ejemplo: have
Generalmente estas palabras son auxiliares, pronombres, verbo to be...
Los adjetivos por ejemplo también pierden el acento en favor de la palabra que lleva la fuerza semántica. La fuerza la lleva el adjetivo cuando éste es más importante en la frase.
Tom is eating a green apple (sentence stress); se consigue a través de English phonological gradation ( stress-time rhythm).
Los diptongos en inglés implican una descendiente atonal. Suelen durar como una vocal larga.
The teaching of languages has always been as specialty of the home learning series. Each of seventy language titles is carefully constructed to give you the level of fluently you require. Courses are suitable for beginner and those wishing to increase their knowledges.
Each has a pronunciation guide a grammar summary, and useful exercises. But if you fell able to learn a language, there are book to help you explore other ways of spending you free time.

8th October 2013.
  • Dictation.
  • Dipthongs.
  • Reading aloud.

Speech acts/ Event...

  • Opening---> excuse me...; I'm afraid...; I wonder...
  • Development---> Can I...?; May I...?
  • Closing---> thanks

Act of mitigation---> como hacer que el no no suene tan rotundo. Aparece normalmente después del opening. Cuando es de disculpa antes de la disculpa. Ex: Well, you know...; let me say...
Non native speakers: Saying “I´m sorry is commonly use it when you have caused a physical, mental hurt, but not when someone interrupt a lesson.
Main Mistakes:

World---> /w3:ld/
Word---> /w3:d/
-or- = /3:/

- Last consonant ending---> p, t, k, b, d, g---> up, at, work...


Glide in i.
  • /e:/
  • /a:/
  • /o:/

Glide in u.
  • a.
  • ə

Glide in ə.
  • i--->near.
  • e--->care.
  • u--->sure.


  • Player.
  • Fire.
  • Employer.
  • Knower.
  • Shower.


- to wrap---> envolver.


People for over 100 years have eaten fish and chips. Chips were sold by 1870s with fish fried in many working class neighbourhoods. Then when people bought fish and chips, the food was wrapped usually in newspaper to keep it warm until they got home. If you today want to buy fish and chips, you won't find easily a shop that sells them. You may wonder why is this so. The traditional fish and chips shop is disappearing from England's streets.

11th October 2013


The custom of tea.

One of the best known rituals in the world is that the English take their tea at five o'clock in the afternoon, a habit relatively young, since this tradition began in 1840, thanks to hungry Duchess of Bedford, who always wanted a cake and tea around five o'clock. It was she who had the idea, to organise a meeting in the afternoon with tea and cake which lasted approximately forty years later around the country, but now is not so in use one might think.

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