

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

Written communication: Lesson notes


-Reading what is it?
-Acquiring/learning to read.
-General and specific advantages of reading.
-A good and bad reader.
-Reading aloud is it reading?
-Communicative language activities of reading.
-Assessing reading evaluating and monitoring.
-Post- reading tasks: reading projects.
-Methods in teaching reading in L2.

How do we learn or “acquire” to read?
-Cognitive stage (psycholinguistic) related to listening and speaking: grapho-phonological relationships (it makes difficult to distinguish cognitive-strategies in the process of learning to read)

-Practise/production stage.
Factual language à linguistic acquisition
  • Facing
  • Repetition
  • Pleasure ≠ disgusting
  • Mimic
  • Imitation
  • Needs

Children understand first of all iconographic – phonic language and then they learn graphic – symbolic.

Linguistic Acquisition
It is acquired:
-          facing
-          repetition
-          pleasure and disgusting
-          mimic
-          needs

GENERAL reasons to work reading:
- Get information (to be informed).
- To develop creativeness and imagination.
- To gain experience and knowledge from other people.
- Self-learning
- To encourage “intelligence”
- For acculturization reasons: respect, tolerance...
- For pleasure  

SPECIFIC reasons in L2 to work reading:
-To improve grammar
-To increase vocabulary
-To get rhythm and fluency (reading aloud
-To improve spelling and ortography
-To encourage their writing
-To face new English syntactic structure and modulate it (re-create).
-To get specific information about English culture
-To be able to contextualize morphology in L2.

Reading aloud. Is it reading?
No, it is speaking activity.

Assessing reading
Nuttal(1982) – rules

  1. Answers should be induced, deduced and evaluated from/by text
  2. To be able to answer students need to read the text
  3. Answers should take into account comprehension. NOT memory!
  4. Questions not using the “phrases/words” from the text
  5. The evaluation questions should be easier than the text itself
  6. Facing in reading not writing
  7. Variety of texts: maps, dialogic texts, narrative texts...
  8. Variety of models of answers: multiple choice, long/short answers...
  9. Using limited time (according to each exercise)
  10.  Searching a balance between skimming and scanning

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